Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Power of Laws of Attraction
The Power of Laws of Attraction Most of us float along with experiences of life. When everything is going smoothly like we want, we are happy. If we end up in bad situations, we throw a temper tantrum and complain about how unlucky we are at life. Being the passive observers, we assume the role of victim when something happens to us that we didnt want happened. The knowledge of Law of Attraction helps us to wake up to the fact that everything that is happening in our lives is only the result of what we are constantly feeling and thinking. This fact can liberate us from the position of a passive observer to a proactive one. A person with a negative attitude towards life wakes up and sees only negativity all around. He sees that bad things are happening to him and might even feel like he is cursed. But Law of Attraction tells us that we can consciously choose our life experiences and by thinking and feeling positively, we can change our realities for the better. Law of Attraction works through the power of focus. As you shift your focus from negative to positive, you start to change the experiences and completely change your your life. You may be a person who has no idea what the Law is or you may be a person who already knows a little about how the law works or you may be someone who has already achieved some success by implementing the Laws principles in your daily life. Either way, if you havent awakened to the full power of the Law, you can start with the following practices daily: Visualize your day Wake up each day and visualize the day youd like to experience. Form mental movies in your mind and clearly picture all the good experiences that you want happen to you. By consciously visualizing what you want, you shift you vibration focus from negative to the positive. When you align yourself with what you want, you start to attract everything you visualize. Practice being positive Eliminate negative thoughts of anxiety, worry and fear by deliberately focusing on what you want. During the day, whenever you observe your mind drifting towards negative thoughts, immediately think about something that makes you feel good or visualize the experiences you want to attract. This changes your focus from negative to positive. With persistent practice, this habit will become a part of your nature. Dont try to figure everything out To fully unleash the power of Law of Attraction, you must practice letting go. Dont try to figure everything out or do everything yourself. Only perform actions that can be performed by you and make the choices that are required and leave the rest up to the universe to take care for you. Just know that the loving universe is working on behalf of you, bringing you closer to the fulfillment of your desires. There is of course much more to the Law than the three mentioned practices. Understand how the Law of Attraction works in your life so that you can deliberately attract what you want. Know that you dont have to be a passive observer and start exercising this amazing power now! Subliminal Messages and Subconscious Mind Negative conditioning of the subconscious mind is one of the biggest reasons why many people fail to achieve what they truly desire in life. Fortunately, there are ways to change our own negative conditioning so we dont have to be trapped by it. Human mind works much like a computer. By understanding how a computer works, we can begin to understand how the mind works and make necessary changes to create the reality we desire. When you look at how a computer works, you will find that it has an operating system that runs automatically on already built-in software programs. It opens and closes programs without much effort on your part. A computer, depending on the model, also contains memory, about 50-100 gigabytes stored on its hard drive. This information is readily accessible with a simple click of the mouse. With the help of the mouse, you can consciously go the place a particular file is stored and decide to open it. At any moment, even with enormous information on the computer, we choose to run only about 2-4% because the computer would crash if we ran all the data at the same time. Now, if you want to open a file and you dont have the necessary software to do it, you update the existing software or download new software necessary. The exciting thing is that the human mind works identical to that of the working of a computer. The subconscious mind can be considered an operating system running on programs of beliefs, thought and behavior patterns. The conscious mind can be considered the mouse, which is the control device used to select the programs you want to run. Like a computer operating system, subconscious mind is capable of adapting to new thought patterns by the habit of repetition. However, it takes time for this process to take effect because the subconscious mind doesnt like change and tends to cling on to the existing patterns. New research studies are telling us that there is an easier way to access the subconscious mind. It seems it is more receptive when the body is relaxed. Subliminal messaging is a technology that has become popular in the recent times in the self-improvement industry because it is a helpful way to induce subconsciously mind with positive directions without much effort on our part. This technology works by constantly repeating empowering messages to the subconscious mind. Although consciously we cannot hear these messages, subconsciously, we pick them up and store them in memory. This technology is very helpful in eradicating the negative conditioning that keeps us from taking action to realize our dreams. It is also helpful in changing negative habits and forming new positive habits. Hence, if you are looking for techniques that speed up the process of updating your subconscious software, you should definitely try subliminal messaging. How to Reprogram the Belief System Human beings are really special. Each and every individual is unique in his/ her own way. Hence, each and every individuals perception of reality is unique. The information that makes up a persons reality is the result of everything he/ she consciously thinks and feels in combination with his/ her conscious and unconscious beliefs. New information that enters the mind is broken down into individual data bits, which are then compared to the existing experiences stored in memory and are matched up to the existing beliefs. This process is unique for a person because his/ her mental make up is unique. Mental make up is basically a personal version of reality that is perceived uniquely by a person. This is the reason why the same reality can be experienced differently by different people. A persons mental make up or construct is entirely unique and vibrates a particular frequency very different from the next person. The uniqueness of the mental construct of a person is the result of unique memory, which consists of unique past experiences that make up the belief system, which is the persons personal paradigm. Your belief system, which is your perception of reality, holds the key to determining what you are capable of achieving and how far you will go to achieve your goals. Hence, you must change your belief system if you want to change your reality. This can be done through constant repetition of new directive to the conscious and subconscious mind until an old belief is discarded and a new belief that is supportive of your desires is put in place. Persistence is the key to impressing the subconscious mind. It is important to have a clear mental picture of what you want, constantly impress this upon your conscious and subconscious mind by constantly focusing upon it until it manifests as reality, which happens because of the change in your belief system. Many people fail with affirmations because they repeat them with no feeling. Reading affirmations without actually letting the feeling behind the words sink in, is not going to be of any use. Repeating affirmations is a powerful way to impress positive directions into the mind when they are repeated with a positive feeling. You must visualize what you want and feel how you would feel after finally having what you desire. With this feeling repeat the affirmations and expect the loving universe to bring you necessary resources that will help you make your dreams a reality. It is also important to keep in mind that setting aside a few minutes in a day to repeat affirmations and forgetting about your desires and focusing on negative or unrelated aspects of your life is not enough. You must be willing to constantly focus on what you want throughout the day and consciously REPEAT the affirmations when you feel like negative thoughts try to stop you from performing an action. Many pricey self-improvement programs get your hopes up for sometime and keep you busy with mental activities and high expectations. Although most of these programs do have your best interest at heart, they can only do so much if you are not willing to persist and put in the necessary effort to manifest youre your desires. The objective of any program is to bring about the necessary change in your belief system to accommodate new beliefs that support your quest to fulfil your desire or change the current outdated beliefs and totally replace them with new ones. This change can only come about if you REPEATEDLY impress your mind, both conscious and subconscious parts with mental pictures, thoughts and feelings related to the outcome your desire in the future. Keep this vital truth in your mind To see a change in your current reality and manifest what you desire, you must change your current belief system through constant REPETITION by focusing on thoughts, metal images and feelings of the desired outcome to impress your conscious and subconscious mind with this new information. You can pay for countless self-improvement programs or read a thousand books related to Law of Attraction; but until you persistently practice the principles and change your inner reality, you cannot change your outer reality, which is the mirror of what is happening inside your subconscious mind. You can acquire heaps of knowledge about changing belief systems, but until you persist and change your beliefs to change your perception of reality, you cannot change what you are experiencing in your life now. So, first form clear mental image of your desire, put in the effort through constant persistence of practice, impress your conscious and subconscious mind with images, feelings and thoughts that create a positive emotion of already achieving your desire in you. Let this positive feeling sink into the depths of your mind and change your current negative beliefs that are working against you. Dont get caught up in the hype of a new and an exciting program that promises to help you fulfill your desire in a short period of time. Many programs might work in the beginning because they aim at changing your negative thoughts to positive ones by increasing your positive expectations and keeping your conscious mind busy. But until you change your inner mental construct or perception of reality, you will not see real change you desire. Know the time taken to impress your subconscious mind totally depends on the time you allot to practicing a technique that will change your mental makeup and produce the desired results. It is also helpful to follow one program and one technique instead of obtaining contradicting information from different sources and getting confused about the right way to achieve your desires. Know there is no right and wrong program when it comes to changing your beliefs. You can follow any system that works for you The little known secret to make the process of impressing your subconscious mind through constant repetition and persistent practice is the feeling of gratitude, which is very powerful because it instantly connects you with the positive forces of the universe. Just relax, let go and be thankful for everything you have in the moment. Be grateful for all the guidance and help you are being sent by the co-operating universe. With this positive awareness, focus on the feelings, thought and images that generate a passion and positive expectation in you to move forward and take action toward achieving your dreams. It is very important to exercise control on the mind and direct the thoughts towards what you want instead what you dont want through out the day to change your reality in a short period of time. There is no dream that is impossible to achieve because the term impossible exist only in the mind. When you take control of your subconscious mind and harness its power, there is nothing that is impossible in this world. Great men and women already used the awesome power of their minds to achieve outstanding things and contribute immensely to the betterment of mankind. Follow these set of directions to alter your belief system and move forward fearlessly: 1. Decide what you want and form a clear mental picture that you would like to experience 2. Constantly focus on the mental picture and thoughts related to manifesting this mental picture. Focus on the positive emotions that accompany from the REAPEATED impression of thoughts and images on your mind will generate 3. Make persistence a habit and practice focusing until you see a visible change in your reality through the change in your belief system Human beings have always learned though repetition. When we were at school, we had to repeat numerical table and alphabets constantly to memorize them. Repetition is also used to learn a new language. This technique is so powerful that we remember the alphabets even after several years. The fact is that repetition reinforces memory and hence is the best technique to reprogram the subconscious mind with new directions. There are two major hurdles that stand between you and the realization of your desire through reprogramming of your subconscious mind. One is lack of necessary time to thoroughly impress the mind through repetition. Second is your lack of faith in the process might succeed in forcing you to give up. When you proceed with the conviction to break through these hurdles, you can certainly succeed in changing your perception of reality that is preventing you from attracting what you desire in life. Depending on how strongly the current beliefs that are contrary to the new beliefs and the amount of time to a person spends focusing on repetition, different people take different lengths of time to completely break down the current belief system and reprogram the mind. All the resources you need to fulfill your desires have always been present and are yours to command. People and circumstances are not the reason why you are not able to progress and move forward. The only person stopping you is YOU and your limited thoughts and beliefs. Once you change these limited beliefs and expand your awareness to include the possibility of achieving the impossible, you can truly attract whatever it is that you want. How badly do you want to achieve your goals? If the feeling is intense enough, take the necessary action to persist and REPEATEDLY impress your mind with mental pictures, feelings and thoughts that empower you achieve what you want in life. Wisdom vs. Knowledge Knowing information is very different from applying the information and experiencing the consequences. Contrary to the popular statement, knowledge is power; the application of knowledge is power. Let us take the example of Law of Attraction. Many people who got their information from the popular movie or the book The Secret failed to manifest what they want because they applied the Law incorrectly. They were told they would be able to get something if they think about it. However, the Law does not work that way. On the other hand, many people had put in the effort to know how exactly the Law works and applied it correctly and manifested everything they wanted in life. Become powerful by applying the knowledge Are you one of those people who have heaps of self-improvement books and notes gathering dust in your drawers? If so, it is time to take them out, revisit them and immediately start using the information in those pages. Your life is not magically going to change if you dont apply the technique and put in the effort to actually change your experience of life. Lets again take the example of Law of Attraction. It states that once you form a clear picture, think about it and feel like you have already achieved it, you must surrender your thoughts to the universe and allow it to manifest your desire in the best way, meaning you must let go of the need to control how things happen to you. Many people, despite having tons of knowledge about the Law, fail to apply this part effectively not willing to let go of the control. When you take a class or a seminar, you will benefit more if you ask questions and understand exactly how to apply the knowledge. With the wisdom gained from applying the knowledge, you can slowly become more adept at using the knowledge to better your life. Because of your deep understanding of the workings of the knowledge, you might even be able to help others if you choose to. You can start applying the knowledge by actually practicing every day. Write down your desires. Make mental pictures of your fulfilled desires, draw vision boards, write affirmations and practice a technique that can change your existing limited belief system. Just start doing! Power of Focus to Manifest Did you know that a power as meager as 800 watts, which is barely enough to sustain an average room, when focused within a diameter of 1mm, can cut through sheet steel accurately? This is a powerful testimony of the power of focusing energy. This fact can help us understand that scattered energy produces little to no desired result; whereas the same energy when focused can produce tremendous results. This principle can surely be applied to Law of Attraction. You can manifest everything you want in life if you develop the power of focusing your attention and mental energy on achieving your goals. Understanding what focus is defines focus as directed attention. This is exactly what focus is. It is the ability to direct your attention towards the fulfillment of your desires. Famous self-help author and motivational speaker Tony Robins once said, What you focus on consistently, you tend to manifest in your life. The power of this quote cannot be taken lightly because it sums up an important principle of Law of Attraction. Many people are struggling to manifest their desires because they are implementing this principle ineffectively. Focus must be made a habit. With initial effort and persistence, the habit of focusing can become a second nature and starts showing up in your behavior naturally. With the power of focus, you can perform the necessary actions that dictate how you manifest your desires. Understanding how the brain works Human brain is a massive processing system that processes gargantuan amount of data every second. On an average, the brain takes about 2 million sensory inputs every second through the five sensory stimuli sight, smell, sound, touch and taste. Like a computer, which crashes if we run all the information stored on it, our brains, to avoid overload, filter the information against existing memory and belief system and consciously process only a little amount compared to the entire lot. Although this process is helping us to keep up with massive data we are inputting, we might be missing crucial information that can be the next big opportunity or miss the approach of danger. To better understand this process, let us take the analogy of a dark room. If you are given a torch light and are asked to find a door to get out the room quickly, you would try to focus the light in one direction and try to find a door. If you just focused the light on the floor, all you would be able to see is the floor and not the door which is to your right. You would then walk along the focused path and may bump into the wall. On the other hand, if you focus the light everywhere by waving the torch light in all directions, you might be able to see more of the room, but you could still miss the door. Similarly, in life, if you focus on the wrong place and narrow your vision to only this place, you might miss the opportunities that are all around you. On the other extreme, if you scatter your energy everywhere and try to focus on too many things, you get confused and still could miss the right opportunity for you. Hence, it is important to learn how to focus the attention in the right place. What you focus your energy on, manifests in your life. Are you focusing your energy in the right place? When a person focuses on poverty, he/ she will manifest more poverty. When he focuses on lack of health or diseases, he manifests more disease. On the other hand, if the same person focused on prosperity, he will surely manifest prosperity in life through Law of Attraction. If he focused more on health, he will manifest more health in his life. This is an important concept to grasp because it is the difference between you manifesting all your desires and you failing because of all the negative conditioning. Awareness is power Be aware of what you are focusing on in your life. Focus your attention more on achieving your desires and exclude other unnecessary aspects of your life and see the magic of power of focus in manifesting. Focus on being thankful Being grateful for all that you have right now is a powerful feeling that will put you immediately in tune with positive manifesting force of the universe. Take time everyday to be thankful for what you have. On days, you cant see anything to be grateful for, stop, calm down, and ask yourself, If you can be grateful for 3 things in your life right this moment, what would you be grateful for? Learn to see the best in any situation in life instead of focusing on things you dont have. Plan Planning eliminates confusion and gives you direction. Have an end result in mind and write down achievable goals that can help you progress towards the desired end. Practice acceptance Every person is just as he or she is because of his/ her unique past experiences. Be aware of all that happened in your life that made you who you are today. Acknowledge that all your negative and positive conditioning is a result of the unconscious beliefs you have come to accept as truths. Accept yourself for all that you are and accept everybody around you for all that they are. This is powerful because it releases you from the trap of negative memories. Focus on how you would like to be starting from now and only focus on that. Program your subconscious mind for success We all have the same amount of time in a day. Your success depends on how you use this time to focus on your desires and how to manifest them. Take time in your day to quite your mind of the clutter and meditate upon your dreams and desires. Write down specific plans to achieve them. Write down powerful affirmations that you can repeat to clear the negative conditioning and impress your subconscious mind to attract all the necessary resources you need for manifesting your desires. Make a list of your goals and stick the copies of the list in several places where you are likely to go in your home. Always constantly remind yourself of your goals. Keep them fresh in memory. To make time for yourself in a day, turn of all your electronic gadgets and let other people know that you are not available for this particular slot of time. Enter a quite room to work in peace and completely focus on your dreams. No matter how busy your day is, even if you can spare only half an hour, do it. Well known author Catherine Ponder explains Law of Vacuum this way to make room for something, we must have space to fill, meaning we must clear the existing unwanted garbage in our lives. Always remember this vital truth when you, in a day, feel like you are being pulled into some drama that serves no purpose towards the achievement of your goals. The amount of time you allot to manifest your desires determines your progress. Make this time of your day most important and complete all the tasks that you have been procrastinating about. Also, remember to always finish only the tasks can help you progress in terms of achieving your goals. Remember that focusing on too many things will only scatter your mental energy and prevents you from seeing the right opportunity in front of you. Take the example of a fox and the hedgehog. While fox is clever and knows many tricks to use to get a meal, hedgehog is rather dull and but knows one trick, which is to roll into a spiked ball for protection. Fox, even with its many clever ideas and strategies cannot win with the spiked ball and obtain its meal. Hence, the hedgehog always wins. This analogy is very apt in describing the many failed efforts of intelligent people who waste their precious energy doing too many things at a time. One good strategy is always the best to follow instead of diluting effort to make several different clever strategies to work. Focus your energy on one project and finish it completely to your satifaction before you take on the next task. Approach your goals by taking one step at a time. This process can make even the daunting of goals seem achievable. Another important aspect of practicing to focus is to be in the present. Many people spend their time focusing on the past or the future. For achieving any goal, your mind and body should be present now and hence your mind should be focused on the present moment instead of the future. There will be time to reflect on the future and make necessary plans in the present to achieve the desired goals. But when you have tasks you need to finish now, no matter how mundane and intolerable you find the present tasks, perform them being grateful. In summary, human beings are conditioned in such a way that we experience what we focus on in our lives. Hence, it is important for us to learn how to focus on achieving our desires. We must learn to focus on the positive aspects in life that propel us towards achieving all that we desire. To develop this power of focus, we must learn to manage our time properly. We must learn to make time in a day to focus on what is necessary by clearing out the unnecessary through clever discerning skills. But more importantly, we must learn to act and not procrastinate. So, starting right now, decide on a goal that you can achieve in the immediate future. Make a plan on how to achieve this goal based on what resources are available to you at this moment. Make time to work on these plans and complete tasks. Keep repeating powerful affirmations powerfully with feeling to focus on your goals. Be grateful and be consistent with working on your goals until you achieve them. Transform your life by taking action. Manifest all you desires one desire at a time with the power of focus. The Secret of Happiness and Success Most Law of Attraction gurus will tell you the secret to attracting everything you want in life is to think positively about your dreams. They will tell you to expect the best always so that you will receive the best. Although this message has its merit, positive expectation alone cannot materialize what you want in life. Many people failed to manifest their desires by just following the information that was given in The Secret. You think about it, you receive it may be true but Law of Attraction does not work that way. Without right action on your part, you cannot expect to your desires manifest. Inaction does not prepare you for the future. Neither does it take proper precautions to protect you from the present challenges and problems. Only you can do that by making necessary choices and performing necessary actions. Some people are fortunate to have found their purposes in life and making a living out of them. What about the rest of us? Many self-help experts tell us that the secret to happiness is to find our unique purpose in this life and make a life around it. Although this also is a fair point, the problem with finding a purpose is that it takes time. In the mean time, you will have to deal with financial difficulties and other personal problems. Dont get me wrong. It is actually quite noble to develop the strength of character to be able to be satisfied with what you have and be happy despite the circumstances. But this process is also very hard. If you ask a few happy people what is the secret to their happiness, you will often hear one popular answer service is the secret. But what if your life is full of resentment and problems? You can only share what you have abundantly in life. Hence, you would be only sharing more negativity unconsciously. If what you have is abundance in life, it will certainly bring you happiness to share this abundance with the rest in need. So, sharing and social service is really not the number one secret to happiness. What then is the ultimate secret to happiness? It is you. It is your ability to become active in life and become adept at solving your own problems effectively. Nobody can just tell you how to be happy because nobody knows what makes you happy. When you get involved in your own life and work hard at solving your own problems, you slowly gain the ability to deal with daily challenges. As you solve more of your problems, you can start to become happy. Your involvement in your own life is then the true secret to happiness and success. As you become happy and successful, you might feel the need to share this joy with the rest, which will only multiply your own success and happiness. Thinking positively about life comes automatically without any effort and when this attiude is combined with right action; you can expect great results and see all your dreams come true. As you focus on yourself and your own unique talents, being entirely satisfied with your life, you will become free of the limitation of competition. Then, you will experience a different level of joy. What is important to you? Do you know what is important to you in your life? Can you tell me what the values you stick by in your life? Most people cannot answer these questions because they dont know what are their personal values are. They live by other peoples values. For example, an employee who lives according to the values of his employer such as accountability, work ethic, results and profits, might consider he is successful if he can live up to these values and get promoted. But for most people, success means much more than just earning money. Most of us may not define our success by how much we are able to please an employer by living by his values. It is essential to realize that other people have their own values and these values are important and note worthy, especially when these values work to influence in our lives. But the secret to true happiness is to follow our own core values that are important to us. When we prioritize our wishes and values over others values, we start to truly enjoy life. So, take out a paper and write down what is important in your
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Vegeterain vs. Meat Eaters
Vegetarians vs. Meat Eaters Introduction Vegetarianism is adopted by many individuals as way of living life. Vegetarianism is the voluntary abstinence from consuming meat. The issue is whether or not a vegetarian diet is truly safer than a diet consisting of meat. Individuals adopt a vegetarian lifestyle for different reasons. Some of the reasons consist of religious or ethical beliefs, or health reasons. Vegetarian diets are also recommended as a medicinal diet for individuals suffering from heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol.The results of a vegetarian diet may seem beneficial, but the safety of a vegetarian diet is questionable. Some individuals consider vegetarianism to be the healthiest way of living. On the other hand, severe consequences occur when relying solely on vegetables as a way of life. The intake of meat in a diet is necessary to obtain the nutrients not provided in vegetables. Vegetarianism In 1847, the term ââ¬Å"vegetarianismâ⬠was coined by the founders of the Vegetarian Society of Great Britain. Consumption of only vegetables, have existed since the creation of diets.Increases of food not containing meat have increased since the 1990ââ¬â¢s. Most of the increases occurred because doctors and medical organizations stated that limiting meat intake could result in a less chance of developing degenerative diseases. The vegetarian lifestyle dates back to one of the oldest cultures, the Hindus. Hindus consume a vegetarian diet because of their religious beliefs. Based on Hindu beliefs, beauty, good memory, and longer life spans are possessed, if meat is not consumed. Beliefs, such as the Hindus, differ depending on the culture.Vegetarianism is also used as a way of treating common illnesses. Currently, many individuals suffer from illnesses such as high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. In some cases, the implementation of an all vegetable diet has been incorporated to help lower the effects related to the se conditions. In patients suffering from cancer, vegetarianism is used as a dietary therapy treatment. Vegetarianism is used to treat one of Americaââ¬â¢s largest conditions, obesity. In 2008, the medical costs associated with individuals suffering from obesity were about $147 billion (CDC, 2012).Implementing a vegetarian diet is one way to reduce the excess weight of obese individuals and lower medical costs. Implementing an all-vegetable diet is easy to implement and it is an economical practice for aiding in the treatment of medical conditions. Limitations of Vegetarianism Vegetarianism may be beneficial, but the deficiencies that occur as a result of this diet, outweigh the benefits. According to the governmental Food Guide Pyramid, five sources of foods should be consumed in order to supply the body with essential nutrients. The five food sources are: milk, bread, fruit, vegetable, and meat groups.These dietary guidelines were created to help individuals live a healthier li festyle. When a necessary nutrient is removed from the body, complications may begin to occur. Restricting meat from the body produces a deficiency in the nutrients needed for the body to function properly (Timko, 2012). The nutrients that the body loses on an all-vegetable diet consist of: Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Vitamin B-12, Calcium, and Iron. Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of nutrient that is not manufactured by the body, but is essential. This nutrient must be obtained through an individualââ¬â¢s diet, which would have to consist of fish.Omega-3 has the ability to slow the development of atherosclerosis, it is an anti-inflammatory, it lowers triglyceride levels, and it helps with depression. When foods are not consumed that contain this nutrient, individuals face a higher chance of developing cancer, cardiovascular disease, brain development complications, and inflammation (Timko, 2012). Vitamin B-12 is a nutrient that is found in the protein of animals, dairy, eggs, seafood, a nd plants (Web M. D. , 2012). Although B-12 is found in plants, it cannot be consumed by humans.Therefore, the consumption of meat is necessary. Vitamin B-12 is necessary for the body because it prevents the blood levels in the body from becoming too low (Web M. D. , 2012). When the body lacks Vitamin B-12, serious conditions may occur such as anemia (lack of healthy red blood cells) or irreversible nerve damage. The consumption of Vitamin B-12 also helps treat and prevents anemia, memory loss, unhealthy immune systems, loss of energy and concentration, and heart disease (Web M. D. , 2012) Calcium is the third deficiency occurring from restricting meat from the body.Dairy products provide the greatest source of calcium for the body. About 70% of the United States receives calcium from dairy products (MedicineNet, 2012). The body depends on calcium for the production of strong bones. Calcium also helps the lungs, heart, and muscles to function properly (Mayo, 2012). When the body lac ks calcium, it could result in low bone mass production which leads to osteoporosis (Mayo, 2012). The final nutrient lost in a vegetarian diet is iron. Iron is important because it aids in the transportation of oxygen throughout the body (MedicineNet, 2012).When the body lacks iron, individuals tend to feel fatigued and immune function decreases. To counteract the feeling of fatigue, it is important to consume meats that contain iron. Disadvantages of Vegetarianism The lifestyle of a vegetarian has drawbacks that could result into long term issues for individuals. The vegetarian lifestyle requires individuals to replace the nutrients received from meat, by using other products. Many vegetarians use cheese and other daily products to provide calcium and vitamins with their meals. Depending strictly on vegetables does not mean that an individual will be healthier.When individuals supplement extra products to make up for what they lack in meat, it could cause excessive weight gain over the years (Lunan, 2011). In an article entitled Vegetarians: Beware the Carbs and Cheese, 29,138 vegetarians and non-vegetarians were surveyed. The results showed that female vegetarians were no healthier than meat-eating females. On the other hand, male vegetarians suffered from gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal symptoms (Lunan, 2011). Mental disorders have the ability to affect numerous types of individuals, including vegetarians.In an article entitled Vegetarian Diet and Mental Disorders, based on a community survey, vegetarians were highly associated with having mental disorders (Michalak, 2012). The study showed how vegetarians had an elevated rate for mental disorders such as depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, and somatoform disorders. The study also showed that once a vegetarian diet was adopted, then a mental disorder followed the start of the diet (Michalak, 2012). When vegetarians restrict their body of what it needs, such as meat, it begins to affect the mind as well.It is mentally unsafe for a person to consume an all-vegetable diet. If consumption of only vegetables causes an individual to gain a mental disorder, it is obvious that this is an unhealthy choice to adopt. Anorexia is another serious condition that younger female vegetarians face. Some dieticians believe that teenagers who are limiting themselves to a vegetable only diet are also setting themselves up to developing anorexia nervosa (Vegetarian or Anorexic? , 1999). This disorder typically affects young females. Anorexia causes individuals to eat as less as possible, which causes malnourishment.When this occurs, it also increases the risk of developing high blood pressure, hormone imbalances, liver problems, and slow heart beats. Being a vegetarian gives individuals an excuse to worry about what they eat and to be overly cautious. When a younger female avoids food, she is typically avoiding it for the wrong reasons. The disadvantages that result from living a lifestyle of a v egetarian have the ability to cause life-threatening illnesses. Eating right, including all of the five food groups in a daily diet, is safer than adopting a diet that can have negative results in the future.Benefits of Meat Consumption Contrary to what most vegans think, important benefits are derived from consuming meat. The first benefit that individuals receive from meat is protein. Meats contain a large amount of proteins that are beneficial to the body. When protein is in the body, it allows for building of body tissues, repairing of damages muscles, and production of antibodies used to fight infections. Amino acids are also found in meats, which aid in strengthening the bodyââ¬â¢s immune system (Medical Daily, 2012).Meat contains all of the amino acids; therefore it is one of the best sources of protein. Not only does it provide protein for the body, it also helps to maintain your skin. A second benefit of consuming meat is that it contains three important nutrients: iron, selenium, and zinc. Iron is important because it aids in the production of hemoglobin in the body. It also helps transport oxygen thought the body (Medical Daily, 2012). Selenium is a mineral that is essential to good health, but has to be consumed in an individualââ¬â¢s diet. Selenium is found in crab, liver, fish, and poultry.This mineral is necessary because it breaks down chemicals and fats in the body. Zinc is an important mineral because it aids in metabolism and formation of tissue (Medical Daily, 2012). Vitamins are a very important part of every individual diet. Consuming meats allows the body to receive vitamins that are necessary for it to function properly. Vitamins A, B, and D are three of the most important vitamins that the body needs. These vitamins promote strong bones and teeth, good mental health, nervous system support, and better vision. ConclusionRestricting a diet to only vegetable intake does not guarantee that a vegetarian in healthier than an individual that consumes meat. Vegetarians do benefit from this type of lifestyle because they may have lower cholesterol, less weight gain, and lower risks of developing illnesses. On the other hand, restricting meat from a diet results in numerous complications. The loss of nutrients such as iron, calcium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, are a tremendous disadvantage for vegetarians. Vegetarians may suffer from anorexia, mental disorders, and gastrointestinal problems.When changing a diet causes more harm than good, the best decision is to give the body the nutrients it was designed to receive. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). ââ¬Å"Obesityâ⬠; August 13, 2012 http://www. cdc. gov/obesity/data/adult. html Deckere, E. A. , ââ¬Å"European Journal of Cancer Preventionâ⬠; ââ¬Å"Possible beneficial effect of fish and fish n'3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in breast and colorectal cancerâ⬠; July 1999 http://www. livestrong. com/article/314378-what-is-purp ose-of-omega-3-fatty-acids/ ââ¬Å"Food Guide Pyramidâ⬠; 2012 http://www. nal. usda. gov/fnic/Fpyr/pmap. tm Lunan, K. , ââ¬Å"Vegeterians: Beware of Carbs and Cheeseâ⬠; Vol. 124 Issue 37, P. 60-61, 2011 Retrieved from the SJC Database on Nov. 19, 2012 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, ââ¬Å"Calcium and Calcium Supplementsâ⬠; 1998-2012 http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/calcium-supplements/MY01540 Medical Daily, ââ¬Å"3 Benefits of Eating Meatâ⬠; 2012 http://www. medicaldaily. com/articles/3971/20101119/3-benefits-of-eating-meat. htm MedicineNet. , ââ¬Å"Vegeterian and Vegan Dietâ⬠; 1996-2012 http://www. medicinenet. com/vegetarian_and_vegan_diet/page2. htm Michalak, J. , Xiao Chi Z. , Jacobi, F. :Vegeterian diet and Mental Disorders: Results from a Representative Community Surveyâ⬠; International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity; 2012, Vol. 9 Issue 1, p 67-76 Retrieved from the SJC Database on Nov. 19, 2012 Taepa varapruk, P. , ââ¬Å"Journal of Neurochemistryâ⬠; ââ¬Å"Reductions of acetylcholine release and nerve growth factor expression are correlated with memory impairment induced by interleukin-1beta administrations: effects of omega-3 fatty acid EPA treatmentâ⬠; December 2009 http://www. livestrong. com/article/314378-what-is-purpose-of-omega-3-fatty-acids/ Timko, A. ââ¬Å"Dietary Restriction: A Comparison of Vegetarians and Non-Vegetariansâ⬠; Eating Disorders Review; Vol. 23 Issue 3, p6-6, May/June 2012 Retrieved from the SJC Database on Nov. 19, 2012 ââ¬Å"Vegetarian or Anorexic? â⬠November 26, 1999 Retrieved from the SJC Database on Nov. 19, 2012 ââ¬Å"Vegetarianismâ⬠, November 26, 1999 Retrieved from the SJC Database on Nov. 19, 2012 Web M. D. ââ¬Å"Vitamin B12: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, and Warningsâ⬠; 2005-2012 http://www. webmd. com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-926-VITAMIN%20B12. aspx? activeIngredientId=926&activeIngredientName= VITAMIN%20B12
Friday, January 10, 2020
Discuss how India is an idea, held together ; sustained by political will
My first brush of covering with India as an thought and non merely a geographical part that I simply inhabit was facilitated by Amitav Ghosh. ââ¬ËThe Shadow Lines ââ¬Ë was that one novel that led me to see India with a different point of view, as more than merely ââ¬Ëhome ââ¬Ë . For Th'amma ( the supporter ââ¬Ës grandma ) India, the thought of a state and what patriotism and nationality defined for her, held a wholly different significance than that for the supporter himself. On the contrary, the thought of India was wholly different for Ila, the storyteller ââ¬Ës cousin, who had ever lived abroad. This illustrated apposition of the diverseness of idea led me to understand the true sentiment behind the thought of a state ââ¬â it is one with no peculiar definition but a battalion of visions, intents and doctrines. The definition of a state has differences on the footing of the state ââ¬Ës political orientation and history, which necessarily dictates the success or failure of the mass of peoples as a state. Coincidentally, the Indian illustration is one that seems to be the most powerful ingredient in the Indian socio-political stock. Some historiographers claim that frequently it is a mere accident that two geographic parts are clubbed together as one state. A instance in point would be the citizens of Kutch and Karachi who likely would be more similar to each other than the people of Kutch and Kalimpong, both of which go on to be a portion of the same state, India. I think it is this diverseness and the enormousness of the state that must be taken into history in order to discourse India as an thought. It has been 60 old ages since independency and the universe ââ¬Ës largest democracy is now divided on the footing of caste, category, part, faith more than it of all time was. At times in our free history the political system was practically dysfunctional and coupled with the ill-famed rampant corruptness, rendered the full state on the brink of instability. Time and once more one has witnessed politicians taking advantage and seeking to call up support on the ever-narrower lines of political individuality. Politically, it has become more of import to be a ââ¬Å" backward caste â⬠, a ââ¬Å" tribal â⬠, or a spiritual sectary than to be an Indian. Clangs of involvement in electoral pools are now easy dissolved by opposing the proud Hindu against the agnostic Indian. Multiple insurgence and foreign invasions are jobs that India has faced ( and still faces ) and clawed its manner out of, tops this atrocious province of personal businesss. India ââ¬â a state that survived ââ¬â worth a unit of ammunition of hand clapping. eally talking, states are and should be seen as cultural buildings. They are an ideological phenomenon which gets consolidated as a state when there ââ¬Ës a will to be an entity that maps as a whole unit. It can be seen as an imagined community ; the desire of an full battalion to be and remain together. In our modern universe, state can be seen as a paradox in itself. Given that geographical boundary lines define merely but the political boundaries, the state as an thought is imagined, non existent, touchable, or predefined. And in bend by virtuousness of being ââ¬Ëimagined ââ¬Ë a state is limited ââ¬â even the culturally-watertight states have fictile boundaries beyond which lie other states. It is imagined ââ¬â as a community and sealed in a deep ââ¬Ëhorizontal ââ¬Ë chumminess. Similarly India besides becomes an thought, where small things become beat uping points. Where a little thought can be made out to be an intensely sentimental statement and support can be garnered for it ; where ââ¬Ëthe myth of persecution ââ¬Ë can frequently be seen at work, where one may be made to experience that one has been dealt with below the belt. Multiple occasions in the Indian history would stand testament to the same, instance in point being the Khalistan or even the Ayodhya difference. I feel, that at some degree it boils down to the thought of indigeneity. What precisely does it intend to depict a people as the ââ¬Å" autochthonal â⬠dwellers of a land and why is the construct of indigeneity of import? The inquiry that seems to peal once more and once more is whether a state can be formed by thoughts of indigeneity, whether the isolation of historical events as distinct strands is possible. A state like India with its astonishing diverseness is losing the hybridism, its existent kernel and doing it as a individual massive strand. As is the instance with most national emotions and motions, the analysis of the derivation becomes every bit of import as the effect. Miraculously, but non surprisingly, as a people, counter-nationalism issues become cardinal mileposts in the development of Indian patriotism. Some issues that set case in point are Khalistan, Ayodhya, Telangana, the North East insurgence. There tends to be a common pivot of all these issues and any treatment of this disposition would be exhaustively uncomplete without preceding it with a comprehensive brief about Pakistan and the influence this difference has had in Indian idea and patriotism since independency. Just the mere figure of connexions and the Partition stories one would hear in an mean North Indian family is proof plenty of the huge importance Partition holds in our lives even if we do n't experience it actively in our lives. Every Indian has an sentiment on Pakistan, on India ââ¬Ës relationships with it, on how we should cover with it. Pakistan has much a larger presence in our lives than we would wish to accept. There are still multiple arguments on whether there in fact was a instance for Pakistan as a separate state ; had it go a necessary immorality to hold a separate state and the fact that we could hold lived together as one happy state was merely but a romantic impression. Or was it in fact a kid of a mere phantasy, on the portion of the assorted distinct parties, which finally bailed after things did n't sail the manner the hoped they would. The two far abounding and obvious positions have although been concurrent on the fact that the people who had stopped seeing oculus to oculus and were anyhow divided on the footing of spiritual and political hostility. People argue that factors like common environment, linguistic communication were superficial facts that did non truly adhere the now understood to be sacredly contrasting thoughts and as a effect a strong sense of individualism of idea. It is this negative chumminess that is the foundation of the obvious Hindu-Muslim divide that has been seen as the ground the cicatrixs that blemish the face of Indian history ; the instance in point being Godhra and the Babri Masjid. This was a counter-nationalist motion foremost took birth during the Partition and is still disputing the thought of India as a state. Many historiographers believe that the rebellion of 1857 ââ¬Å" was the last noteworthy manifestation of Hindu-Muslim integrity â⬠. The claim is that since Indians were contending a common enemy, vis-a-vis the imperialist regulation, they could non afford to be divided at that clip. The Muslims have ever been given a ââ¬Ësecond-class ââ¬Ë position since Independence. This has evidently put the inquiry of patriotism and nationality into inquiry. There has been a sense that nationality could be without the desire for holding a separate state, so whether it all boils down to a individual belonging to a peculiar part or faith or the fact which makes one feels a sense of patriotism and unity. Babri Masjid and the wake is likely one of the events that will be etched in the heads of everyone from that age. The Ayodhya argument is frequently seen as a mixture of fact and fiction ââ¬â of myth and history. Following a brief timeline of the full difference would exemplify how this has acted as a major force in constructing a state ââ¬Ës constricted sentiment pool. It all started in 1949 with the Indian authorities ââ¬Ës declaration holding the site ââ¬Ëcontroversial ââ¬Ë after graven images were placed in the mosque. It would be interesting to observe here how there was no contention until this point. This sudden declaration betrayed political motivations which can be besides linked to the 1984 Ram Janma Bhoomi temple propaganda started by VHP and BJP under Lal Krishan Advani. For the interest of constitution of position it would be disposed to add that BJP started as a party to function a feasible anti-congress forepart and Hindutva was surely non the chief focal point at the clip of its origin. The decimation of the BJP in the 1984 elections proved to be a turning point where Congress had successfully played the Hindu nationalist card and upstaged the party on its Hindu certificates. BJP could non let this to go on and Hindutva came to the foreground. Since so ââ¬ËHindutva ââ¬Ë has been used at assorted points by BJP, VHP and Shiv Sena as propaganda to stoke a certain kind of patriotism within the Black Marias of the people. Even though Hindutva literally means Hinduness and is a doctrine, the construct is being used clip and once more, driven by a certain political will, to split the people and granary ballot Bankss with such junior-grade political relations. In 1989, Advani introduced footings like pseudosecularism, minority-ism and Hindutva in the mainstream political vocabulary. Hindutva became the board on which Advani based the greening of the party. However, Hindutva ââ¬Ës history tends to merely supply the juncture for the argument and is itself left mostly unspecified. A portion of the job is that Hindutva ideologists have merely now begun to stipulate their rules of history. Another specifying minute in the recent Indian yesteryear which would stop up re-defining India is the 1984 anti-Sikh public violences. After the divider this would likely be the event that left an unerasable impact in the lives of Sikhs and most of Northern India. Though the Prima facie ground for the public violences are frequently considered the blackwash of Indira Gandhi, there were other deep seated causes that were easy multiplying and disputing India, which was still in its birth. The birth of the Khalistan motion spearheaded by Bhindranwala must be traced back in order to appreciate the counter-nationalism at work here. The green revolution that had brought about huge economic growing and prosperity in Punjab had led to the increasing belief about Sikhs holding a separate cultural individuality and position and hence conveying about a sense of distinguishable inequality in the societal beds. This unintegrated societal construction of the small towns led to entrepreneurial struggles between the agricultural community of Jat Sikhs and the trading community of Hindu Brahmins, Khatris and Baniyas. The political perturbation in Punjab provided the Sikh community the chance and motivation to research the traditionally restricted patterns of trade and concern. The rise of terrorist act combined with the forced in-migration of the Hindus by the Sikh Aroras ( who were subsequently themselves driven out from the small towns by the Sikh Jats ) furthered the Khalistan Movement. Gradually though, the local community withdrew support and settled into the new system that Punjab was get downing to follow. In retrospect, it was this eventual deficiency of ideological committedness among those ââ¬Å" contending the conflict for the Sikh state â⬠as it was being articulated by the urban middle-class ideologists of the motion in media or the academe that led to the attenuation of the Khalistan motion. Another brewing issue of recent times which caught the attending of the state has been down South in the province of Andhra Pradesh. Telangana is one of the least developed parts in India. Rampant poorness, illiteracy, malnutrition, child labor, husbandman self-destructions, unemployment, H2O scarceness and electricity deficit are some of the major jobs of this part. However, these comfortss are non the lone issues blighting Telangana today. Google Telangana and one will happen links to the communist-inspired battle of the 1940s and 1950s and the breakaway agitation of 1969-70 or the one in advancement. While there is no nexus at all between the battle and the agitations, it is going progressively clear that Telangana Maoists hope to mount on the separationist bandwagon to foster their ain cause. On a side note, what truly upset me is the function of media or deficiency thereof with this full issue. The English media that finds it boring to describe the issue beyond a point, has led to dilution of consciousness about the extent of this battle. Inadequate representation from the lower class/caste, does non give it the importance it deserves. An mean Indian today will non be as cognizant of the Telangana issue as he would be of the 26/11 bombardments, which is non to state that the incidents are comparable. My point is that at some degree it is the media that ends up make up one's minding what kind of attending an issue will or will non acquire, which is why the function of responsible news media becomes much more of import. Conversely, what one notices is a fractured and lopsided position of most things ââ¬â be it the Telangana or the Naxalites. The job in Andhra Pradesh today is in portion caused by the non-implementation of the assorted agreements reached at the clip of the 1969-70 agitation by consecutive authoritiess. One can debate that if a Telangana Regional Committee with a separate budget and program had been created at that point, things would non hold come to such a base on balls today. Few today believe that the jinni of segregation can be put back in the bottle, given the mode and graduated table in which it has been unleashed. The environment today is far excessively charged with emotion. Though it might sound simplistic to reason so, the issue needs to be dealt in a manner that covers the justification of Telangana exhaustively because a separate Telangana will certainly take to demands of other new provinces. So if in instance Telangana as a separate province is formed, it needs to be justly justified sing all facets. However, even if the province has to be bifurcated, every political leader in Telangana has the duty of quieting piques so that rational thoughts and solutions resurface. If non, more than anyone else, it is the common man, the people of Telangana who would endure. The agony of the common man has become a regular motive in India. Just like the people in the North East. The Seven Sisters of the North-East part of India viz. Mizoram, Nagaland, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur are connected to the remainder of India by a narrow strip of land known as the Siliguri Corridor or Chicken ââ¬Ës Neck. Even though the seven provinces are a portion of India, the people of these provinces are treated as aliens. Much of the part is notably different from the remainder of India, ethically and linguistically, and each province has its civilizations and traditions distinct from the others. It is home to more than 166 separate folks talking a broad scope of linguistic communications. Some groups have migrated over the centuries from topographic points every bit far as South East Asia ; they retain their cultural traditions and values but are get downing to accommodate to modern-day life styles. Each province in the North East has a sep arate ground and cause for insurgence. Some groups call for a separate province, others for liberty while some utmost groups demand nil but complete sovereignty. The provinces have accused New Delhi of wholly disregarding their issues. It is this feeling that has led the indigens of these provinces to seek greater engagement in self-governance. There are bing territorial differences between Manipur and Nagaland and a uninterrupted rise of insurrectionist activities and regional motions in the other provinces as good. The insurgences in the north-east have ever been of grave concern to the unity of India as a whole but ne'er came to the head in full force or were ne'er seen as an issue which needed to be dealt with immediate concern. Although away late, the authorities has sat up and taken notice of the north-east particularly because 98 per centum of its boundary lines are aligned with other states doing these boundary lines porous and unsafe. It is of import that if the boundary lines are being shared by states particularly with China, that the range for development and substructure is bettered in the part. As a consequence, new policies are being developed among faculty members and politicians where 1 is looking at the North-east for development ties with political integrating and economic integrating with the remainder of India. These issues are non mere socio-political inquiries but issues that have had a cavernous impact on the public ââ¬Ës perceptual experience of the thought of a state. India has made it. At first glimpse, India must look like a state pullulating with jobs ââ¬â on the brink of a putsch even. What is maintaining the state glued together? It is the Indian on the street. There is integrity in the absence of order and forbearance in convulsion. The Indian has a strong sense of patriotism and belonging. When the people from Kutch and Kalimpong meet, they put their custodies together and state Namaste. This is India, the state that made it.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay On Becoming A Medical Assistant - 1597 Words
Becoming a medical assistant is a good choice as a career. This career is continuing to grow a lot. A medical assistant is an enjoyable job, even though it can be difficult at sometimes people still enjoy the job. They mainly stay busy during the day because a lot of patients come in. Medical assisting is kind of different than other types of healthcare. The other HealthCareââ¬â¢s have been around for much longer. Medical Assisting was started in the 20th century. By the 1950 s people were working as medical assistants and they realized how much benefits they had brought to nurses and doctors. In 1956 there was a Charter Meeting in Milwaukee. The American Medical Association passed the objectives. There was a CMA Woman that was elected theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦A medical assistant is important to the physicians and nursing staff. Doctors and nursing staff have to be able to concentrate on the medical problems and concerns of their patients. These assistants keep the physicians on schedule, the healthcare facility on course, the workflow smooth and running, the patients informed, and the customers comfortable and safe. Basically, they keep the medical office together. Physicians and surgeons have their own long list of chores and responsibilities to main tain. They just do not have enough time to handle all of the chores that are given to the medical assistants. Without them, things would be really chaotic and frustrating. Physicians as well as nurses would have way too much on their plate to manage. In order to become a medical assistant you have to make good grades and finish high school and then go to college. The best college to go to in Nashville is Remington College. There are many more colleges such as Fortis College, Southern College and Virginian College (Google). but Remington College is the main one people go to become more successful. The Remington College medical assistant school will get students ready for their transition into the real world through training in the classroom. People that attend will get familiar with medicalShow MoreRelatedMedical Assistant Essay908 Words à |à 4 PagesTasha Sifuentes Notes for my final essay Licensure and Certification requirements for Medical Assistant State, Federal and professional licensure and certification requirements ââ¬Å"A medical assistant is expected to be an expert in both medical and administrative tasks. Being an assistant, he/she is expected to help the doctors in their daily activities regarding treating patients. A medical assistant (MA) is responsible for the smooth functioning of the employing facility. 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